LOCAL: 802.865.0056 burlingtonvt@birthright.org

For the Men

Birthright recognizes that men have an important role in a pregnancy.  We have both men and women volunteers ready to talk with you.

Is She Pregnant?
You’re confused, possibly frightened. Maybe friends and family are encouraging you to push her to have an abortion.  Whatever your situation, you are not alone.  Lots of couples experience a “surprise” pregnancy and immediately worry about how this will affect their future.  Abortion seems like an easy and legal choice, but it has significant risks of which you may not be aware.  Having a baby doesn’t mean the end of your dreams.
She Needs Your Help
It is hard to realize that women can choose abortion without the permission of the baby’s father.  Many women who have had abortions report that they were waiting for their boyfriend/husband to stop them.  Assure her that you will stand beside her in whatever way she needs through this difficult time.  Tell her that she does not have to have an abortion to please you. The world says that abortion is “a women’s choice” but a woman in an unexpected pregnancy rarely wants to make that choice alone.  She is looking to you for support because she can’t confide in many people about this situation.
Talk to Someone that Cares About You
Birthright is available to answer your questions, help you assess your situation, guide you to available resources in your community, and equip you with knowledge so you and your partner can make an informed decision about your pregnancy.  All Birthright services are free and confidential.  We provide you and the mother with non-judgmental love and support. 
Here’s Some Quick Advice that May be of Benefit to You Right Now:
The Do’s

  1. Listen. The situation involves more than just you.  There are now three lives to think about.
  2. Stay Calm. She needs your support now more than ever.  She may be carrying the baby, but you are BOTH parents, and regardless of your relationship in the future, that baby needs you too.
  3. Talk About It — not only with each other, but prepare to talk with parents and others close to the situation.  Hiding the news from people who can genuinely help you only increases the stress.
  4. Gather All The Facts. Get all the information and seek wise counsel so together you can make the best decision for both of you.
  5. Express Yourself Honestly.  It’s normal to have feelings of anger, frustration and fear.  But make sure she knows she is not alone.

The Don’ts

  1. Don’t Bail. The more you try to avoid the situation, the harder it becomes to think and act clearly.
  2. Don’t Pressure Her.  Applying pressure will only push her away, possibly into a regretful situation.  You will do well to work together as a team.
  3. Don’t Forget. You have a very active role in this situation.  Listen to input as well as give your thoughts.

Birthright is here to listen to your concerns in confidence.  If we can help in any way, call us now at 802.865.0056 or our 24/7 Helpline at 800.550.4900.  By asking a few questions now, you can change your life forever.